Technologies For Beverage, Food,
Pharmaceutical And Chemistry Industries


We are at the beginning of a revolution!

Industry 4.0 is changing more traditional sectors such as agri-food and wine.

The impact of artificial intelligence on biotechnology, on information management and the implementation of IoT in the more traditional production sectors has to be evaluated and it will require the creation of new and unprecedented alliances.

Sustainability, growth, productivity, energy, safety, quality, health and work are the challenges we face.

We already know how to transform houses, cars, cities, hospitals and our daily work tools into “mines of data”.  If we analyze, elaborate, aggregate and interrogate this information it will help us to have the most precious reserve for problem-solving and to ask the right questions to improve, grow and thrive.

There is only one way: if we use artificial intelligence to sell a few more units of product, we will have wasted the extraordinary opportunity to understand the world more, because we will have made the mistake of adapting our world to the operating environment of a machine, and not vice versa.

And the cost to be paid for choices not made will be very high.

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Innovative Start up established in accordance with art. 4 paragraph 10 bis of the decree law 24 January 2015, n. 3. – Registered office: Strada di Cioccaro, 4 – 14030 Cioccaro di Penango AT – Share capital: 340,000.00 euros fully paid. Mandatory Information – PEC: – Registered at the Asti Chamber of Commerce in the Special Section – REA: AT-131261 – Main ATECO code: 28.93.00 – Secondary ATECO codes: 28.99.2 – 26.51.29